Tuesday 2 February 2010

Rio apologises for exposing Terry affair

Manchester United's sometime defender Rio Ferdinand (pictured above telling reporters his mental age) has offered his apologies to sour faced penalty missing love rat John Terry, for exposing the Chelsea defenders affair with Vanessa Perroncel, the ex girlfriend of his ex teammate Wayne Bridge.

Ferdinand was filming another hilarious episode of his 'Practical Joke/Prank show' titled 'Rio's About' and was following his England team mate with a film crew in readiness for performing a fake traffic warden skit for the show. ''We was there with the camera outside the hotel that Tezza had gone into, I faught it was wierd he stopped at that hotel cos it was the hotel what we use for taking our prozzies to what we don't want our wife's to know about, then we saw Tezza come out with Bridgy's bird which I faught was wierd cos I faught he'd stopped shagging her years ago!?'' Ferdinand explained, ''I was gonna get rid of the footage cos I didn't want to get JT in any trouble with his missus, but I accidentally put the video in a envelope and posted it to The News Of The World!....I was sick as a parrot about that, it was careless defending of the tape!''.

''I just want to say sorry for ruining JT's marriage by filming him, sorry to Bridgy for exposing his missus as a slapper but most of all and most impotent..... for ruining our chances of winning the world cup this year'' Ferdinand said in his dumbest voice.

In other news regarding the biggest football story of the week, Max Clifford the agent who specialises in other peoples misery and quite possibly nearly as evil as Hitler, has said his client Vanessa Perroncel deserves some praise because she might have cheated on her boyfriend with his friend and teammate but she hasn't as yet sold her story!. ''Everybody is making her out to be a bad person but she hasn't benefited from this..........yet'' said the silver haired friend of Piers Morgan. ''You could say she's the real victim in this situation'' Clifford added.

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