Friday 18 June 2010

Capello blasts world cup ball as ''Worst for 4 years!''

England's furrow browed head coach Fabio Capello (above) has blasted world cup organisers for using the ''worse ball for 4 years'' at the tournament currently being played in South Africa.

The erratically calm Italian said ''This round ball is easily the worst World Cup football I have ever seen for 4 years, maybe more or maybe less but one thing for sure is its not the same I think. The problem is FIFA sticking their busy fingers into a pie that doesn't need tampering with. If nothing needs changing then why tamper with the thing that doesn't need changing. If a baby doesn't need changing, you wouldn't change it's nappy pants would you?. A football is the same....only different ......but always the same.''

The criticism comes after goalkeeper Robert Green spilled a long distance shot from Clint Dempsey in England's opening 1-1 draw with USA and then struggled to have a kick of the ball in the disappointing 0-0 draw with Algeria.

''For me it was not entirely unexpectiated, because after training at the canteen, Greeny spilled a banana when reaching for the fruit, and for this I blame the new design of bananas in the recent times. It was not Roberto 's fault....even though I do blame him. This is why I picked the David James instead to play the position of the keeper goal. The ball is also to blame, Wayne Rooney should have had a go at the ball not the fans.''