Saturday 28 November 2009

What really happened in the Woods (house)!?!

World Number 1 Golf ball hitter Tiger Woods was yesterday involved in a strange driving incident outside his Florida home. The golfer left his home at 2.25am yesterday and immediately drove into a fire hydrant and then crashed into a tree. He was taken to hospital where his condition was described as 'tipsy' however these allegations were later taken back when the police said alcohol was not involved. However sources that the sportsinshorts have spoken to claim to know the real reason behind the accident. A local resident of the area who wishes to remain silent told our reporter this 'this has been coming for a long time, the Wood's are a very competitive family, and Tiger just isn't as talented as his young kids so he gets very jealous! Once when i was at a family bbq, Tiger challenged his 5 year old son Tabby to a round of Golf on the X-box, Tabby made his dad look stupid and Tiger flew into a huge rage saying that computer games don't count and there are loads of stuff he could beat him at!'. The source then went on to describe what they had heard last night 'I heard Tiger having one of his tantrums which sounded like it was because he'd lost at Scrabble to his daughter Kitten, i heard him shout 'that's not even a proper sport, c'mon lets see if you can beat me at driving', his wife Panthera told him not to be so stupid but he just jumped in his Sports car and took off shouting 'see you at the finish line suckers!'. Unfortunately he careered into the hydrant at the bottom of his drive and into the tree, this let Kitten and Tabby overtake their dad and won the race even though they were on tricycles'.

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